Sale price Price $10.00 Regular price


Offer good through 1/1/2025

  • $50-$100 donation: Vision Quest Cards (mailed to you or someone of your choosing) OR a Gift Subscription to someone
  • $200 or more:  Vision Quest Cards (mailed to you or someone of your choosing) AND a Gift Subscription to someone OR two of either



F 22  $10 donation

F16  $25 donation

F 11  $50 donation

F 8  $100 donation

F 5.6  $250 donation

F 4  $500 donation

F 2.8  $1,000 donation


To select your donation amount preference please click the dropdown arrow above the ADD TO CART button.

We appreciate your kind donation to SHOTS Magazine. Although we are not a 501C Non-profit entity, so your contribution will not be tax deductible, we are running on a very tight budget.

Our goal is not to make a profit but rather to contribute to the rich legacy of printed images on a theme and to support the artists that make those images. Many of our small staff, including the owner and publisher Douglas Beasley, are not paid but volunteer their time and efforts because we believe in our mission.

Your donation, however small or large, will go towards the large printing costs it takes to publish our magazine.

Thank you.

SHOTS Magazine